Thursday 30 August 2018



This is to inform all candidates who took part in the Akwa Ibom State University PUTME first choice screening exercise which took place from Monday, 23rd July to Friday, 27th July, 2018 and the general public that the first batch of admission list for candidates offered provisional admission into the University is out and available online at

The release of the names of successful candidates is ongoing and candidates who do not see their names are strongly advised to check back on the site as the list will be continuously updated. Also, candidates who have not yet seen their names on the admission list are requested to visit the nearest JAMB CBT Centre to upload their WAEC/NECO/NABTEB result on or before 31st August 2018, so as not to forfeit their chances of gaining admission.

Successful candidates are required to logon to their JAMB CAPS profile ( to�accept� the provisional offer of admission and proceed to pay their Acceptance Fee using the steps outlined below on or before 7th September 2018:

    Click the "Register Now" button.
    Click "Admission".
    Then select "Bio Data".
    Enter your JAMB Registration Number and click "Verify".
    Click the "click to make payment link" on the right side of the page
    Print the pre-analysis slip and take the slip to the Bank.
    Please, note that all payment should be made through the e-transact platform.

After payment, follow steps 1-5 again
Then click the ">" sign on the right end of your screen.
Fill the Bio data form to obtain an access code which will be used throughout the duration of your study. Kindly note it down.
Signed: John E. Udo Registrar

Saturday 10 September 2016


Thursday 1 September 2016

Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) RECRIUTMENT ONGOING


The Federal Inland Revenue Service as part of its consolidation strategies, wish to engage the services of early starters with integrity, drive and desire to win professionally, to strengthen its workforce. Applicants are to note that regardless of the position advertised, the following are minimum general requirements for all applicants:

 Minimum Qualifications/Skills Base
  •   A Bachelor or Master’s Degree in Accounting, Law, Economics, Banking & Finance, Engineering, Geology, Statistics, Computer Science or other relevant discipline in the quantitative field OR
  •  A Higher National Diploma in Accounting, Economics, Banking & Finance, Engineering, Geology, Statistics, Computer Science or other relevant discipline in the quantitative field
  • Computer literacy and conversancy with Microsoft office, Web Applications and the use of relevant applications for efficient delivery of service
  • Strong leadership and management skills
  • Strong team spirit and ability to effectively delegate
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Strong Analytical skills
  • Knowledge of the Nigerian Tax Laws and appreciation of their application and understanding of the regulatory framework within which the FIRS operates;
  • Knowledge of business/industry environment within which taxpayers operate
  • Ability to work as a regulator with the courage to ensure full compliance with laws
Minimum Character Attributes
  • Be of good character and must not have been found guilty of any criminal offence or should not have been indicted at or dismissed from their places of work or other environment
  • Ability to work independently and within a team environment
Minimum Past Performance Level
  • Demonstrated ability to determine conformity and non- conformity to set standards in processes and procedures AND demonstrated courage and ability to eliminate, rectify or close determined non-conformity to standard character attributes
  • Demonstrated courage in ensuring change within the organization he or she has worked through the effective discharge of his or her responsibility in spite of resistance to change efforts
  • Demonstrable impactful presence in the work place as a direct result of the individual’s ability to effect positive and sustainable change in his/her environment
Application Requirement(s):
Applicants are also to note that regardless of the position advertised, any of the following will be an added advantage:-
  • Master’s degree in related discipline
  • Relevant and recognized professional certification and qualification
Other General Requirement(s):
In addition all Applicants must:-
  • Have an NYSC Discharge or exemption certificate
  • Be certified as mentally fit for appointment into the Service by a recognized Medical Doctor in any of these class of Government Hospitals:
    1. National Hospital
    2. Government Teaching Hospitals
    3. Federal Medical Centers
  • Provide contact details for three references (from last employer, a close family relation and tertiary institution) from whom confidential reports on character and demonstrated abilities can be obtained
  • Present a certificate of State of Origin and Local Government signed by the Chairman/Secretary of their Local Government. Certificates endorsed by Liaison offices will not be accepted.
FIRS considers computer proficiency a key requirement for anyone who aspires for a job in the Service. This FIRS application portal will be available with effect from Monday, 29th August, 2016. Please follow the instructions to fill in your application.
Only applications in respect of the advertised positions would be considered. All individuals are expected to apply for only ONE position. Multiple applications by one Candidate for more than one job will be disqualified. Upon submission, applicants will receive an acknowledgement containing a reference number which must be quoted in all future correspondences.
Deadline for submission of application is six (6) weeks from the date the web portal is available (Monday, 10th October, 2016) Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.

 For Inquiry: Contact us @ Clewis Registration Center 
No 15 Ikpa Road Uyo AKS
or Call 08096650890, 08136586609

Friday 1 January 2016

What was the Significance of the First LIGHT Created by God


According to the Genesis record in the beginning darkness covered the whole earth, and it was filled with water too.

Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

On the first day and on the fourth day God did something that looks similar. Let us read the texts:

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. (Genesis 1:3-5)

Now let us see what was done on the fourth day:

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. (Genesis 1:14-19)

If you notice carefully, you will see why this was done and the difference between the first and fourth day of creation.

What did God make on the first day? We all might quickly say-He made "light". But actually God made "day" and "night"! God used light to create day and night. Till then the whole earth was only night (dark), but now God divided the light from darkness. And God called the light part as "day", and the dark part of the earth He called "night".

How did God make the day and night? Darkness was all over the earth, so making night was not necessary; God had to only separate the darkness by causing light to shine on one side. And the light side was called day, and the dark side of the earth was called night.

There are twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness, normally, in a 24-hour day. The Lord Himself said:

Are there not twelve hours in the day? (John 11:9)

God brought light to shine on one side of the earth, while the other side remained dark.

It is interesting and important to note that with "the evening and the morning" commenced the "first day", and not with "the morning and the evening". So with the dark part of the 24-hour period begins a new day and then follows the light part of it, probably because darkness was there before light was introduced on planet earth.

ONE MIGHT ASK: What was that "light" that God used to make Day & Night?

Well, God did not specify as to what that was, because the purpose of that light was to create day and night. So the focus has to be on what was created on the first day-day and night!

On the first day, the earth's clock started ticking, and time commenced for planet earth. She now has two distinct phases of period-day and night. Time began by the creation of day and night.

Look at another example in regard to getting our focus right. On the sixth day what did God make?-Man and Woman (and also animals). How did God make them?-He used the dust of the ground. The dust of the ground was the means of making man. But the objects of the sixth day of creation were man and woman, and not the dust, which was only the means used to create them. It doesn't really matter what kind of mud it was, the color, etc. What mattered was the creation of Adam and Eve, by God!

So also, God used "light" on the first day to create "day and night". What kind of light it was, and from where it came does not matter! If it mattered then God would have told us that. "Light" was only the means and the creation of "day and night" was the object. Therefore the focus should be on the creation of day and night and not the light.

God is light Himself (1 John 1:5); His Word is light too (Psalm 119:105). So there are many options. It does not really matter which option God used, as the focus should be on what was created on the first day.

Let us look at what was created on the fourth day. The sun and the moon and the stars were made. On the first day, "day and night" were made; and on the fourth day, "the sun, moon, and stars" were made. So nothing was repeated!

On the first day God used "light" to create "day and night", and on the fourth day He created the "sun, moon, and the stars" to give "light" to the earth. What was the purpose of the sun and the moon? Was it to create day and night? No, that was already done on the first day. The sun and the moon were meant to rule the day and night that already existed. They were made:

For signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.(Genesis 1:14)

With the first day light, time began, and the 24-hour period began with the rotation of the earth on its own axis; and with the sun and the moon around from the fourth day onwards, the rotation would still continue, along with the revolution round the sun.

ONE MIGHT SAY: Why didn't God create the sun and the moon and the stars on the first day itself, and that would take care of the day and night too?

Notice that the sun and moon and stars were "placed in the firmament of heaven". On the first day there was no firmament called Heaven, it was created on the second day. So a firmament had to be created for the sun and the rest to be placed. And God would not create the firmament first without the commencement of time! He had to start time for planet earth, as in everything, that is the way it always goes. No work can be calculated or measured without time.

Was the order of the creation week perfect? Of course, it has to be when the wise God does it. Let us analyze the order of creation and see the wisdom of God.

a)    "Day and Night" were made on the first day. Time commenced for planet earth. A 24-hour period was created by the rotation of the earth on its own axis with a dark part and a light part. Perfect start!

b) The whole earth was a mighty ocean and the first thing was to create an atmosphere, an environment that will be conducive for life, with the right amount of gases to fill the air; and therefore God made the firmament called Heaven, or sky, with all the accurate calculations.

c) On the third day God made dry land appear to start life on planet earth. He made a great portion of the earth "dry", and called it land, and proceeded to decorate it with scenic beauty. Trees, grass, and all vegetations sprang forth. What scenery! Beautiful and smooth mountains and valleys and plains decorated with greenery!

d) There has to be seasons for the trees to bear fruits, and for the flowers to bloom. Everything has an order and time to display its beauty. God did exactly that on the fourth day. Well, why didn't God make the sun on the third day and the vegetation on the fourth day? Probably, God wanted us to know that it is not the sun that sustains life, but God, the Creator of the sun. (For many say if there is no sun, there cannot be life. But the truth is-if there is no God, there is no life; God can use anything to give us life, and not just the sun. And many people worship the sun today thinking that without it nothing can survive. But the plants and trees were there for a full day even before the sun was created!)

e) God proceeded to make moving creatures to fill the waters and the skies-Fishes of diverse kinds and colors, and also birds of various shapes and sizes and colors and features. Why didn't God create them before He made the vegetation? Well the birds need trees to rest and food to eat. Therefore they were made after the vegetation. And why weren't the fishes made earlier? They needed food, too, so God had to create a supply first and then place them there. For sure the trees and plants and fruits in the seas were done on the same third day as it was done on land. Why didn't God make the fishes and birds before the sun, the moon and the stars? Well, living things in whose nostril is the breath of life are higher in order than the non-living things. So God decided to first furnish their environment and then make them.

f ) On the sixth day He first made all kinds of animals and creeping things that move on the land. Finally, He made man and woman on the sixth day-the crowning act of creation. Man, with his wife, was to be the caretaker of this planet, the ruler and the manager of it all. As it is written:

The earth hath he given to the children of men. (Psalm 115:16)

ONE MIGHT SAY: If all was done for man, why was he made last, and not first? Well, the owner or tenants occupy the house only after it is built! God first decorated the earth and then presented it to man.

g) On the seventh day God created something. He created a day called the "Sabbath". By resting, blessing and sanctifying it He created this special day. It was the first gift God gave the newly wedded couple, the gift of special time together with their Lord. Jesus, the Creator, testified:

The Sabbath was made for man. (Mark 2:27)

The Sabbath is the pivot or the focal point on which the week rotates. The powerful God did not need a week to finish His work. He could have made everything in a flash of time. But He chose to do it that way as He is a God of order, and was setting an example for man to follow this pattern in work!
We have seen that God had a perfect plan and order for His creation week. Nothing was accidental. The plan was well thought of and executed by God. God Himself testified at the end of each day that it was "good". And so it was! This seven-day week for the world can never be changed, for God set it so in the beginning!
 visit us @ 
or call +234 0809 6650 890
No 15 Ikpa Road
Opposite Uniuyo Small Gate
Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

Thursday 31 December 2015

2016 / 2017 JAMB UTME Update::

Jamb 2016 Registration

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into Nigeria Tertiary Institutions through the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) for the 2016/2017 academic session.

Registration Period

The registration period is Monday, 31st August, 2015 to Friday, 15th January, 2016 and the website closes on Tuesday, 19th January, 2016.

Jamb 2016 Dates and Venues

The 2016 CBT will start on Monday, 29th February and end on 14th March, 2016.
(subject to change)
The venue of the examination will be at the candidates’ chosen town during on-line registration. The actual date for each candidates’ exam shall be on the official UTME Registration slip which is to be reprinted by the candidate from 22ND FEBRUARY, 2016.

Jamb 2016 Registration Fee

Registration fee for the 2016 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination is Five Thousand Naira (₦5,000). Candidates are also to pay ₦500.00 only to obtain the textbook, “The Last Days at Forcados High School.” That’s a total of N5,500. However, candidates will only be issued the book at the point of registration after showing evidence of payment.

Jamb 2016 registration fee

The Board has made arrangement to provide this book to avoid the challenge of availability and piracy as experienced in the last exercise. The Board will also sustain the last year’s regulated registration format where only our Computer Based Test (CBT) centres, state offices nationwide were authorized to register candidates. This is to avoid a situation where candidates are being exploited, prevent incidence of impersonation and other acts of malpractice. | source

Where to get Jamb Scratch Cards

Below are the official points where JAMB scratch cards can be purchased.
1) First Bank Plc
2) First City Monument Bank
3) Skye Bank Plc
4) Union Bank
5) Zenith Bank
Visit any of their branches nationwide to buy the JAMB e-registration scratch card.
Other selling points are:

1) JAMB HQ Abuja
2) JAMB Offices Nationwide
4) CLEWIS Registration Centre No. 15 Ikpa Road, Uyo or visit

Registration Centers

In line with the Board’s regulated registration exercise, only the accredited Computer Based Test Centres will be allowed to register candidates.
click herefor jamb accredited center
Compulsory Novels for Jamb 2016

For the 2016 Jamb UTME. Here is the book the UTME Board has mandated all students to read.

The book is :The Last Days at Forcados High School’. Download a summary here

The book will be sold at an additional cost of N500.oo (five hundred naira).
Jamb 2016 Novel

The Last days at Forcados High School is compulsory novel for 2016 jamb utme candidates. It will help you adequately prepare for the Use of English paper. A summary was published here last year. This is still very useful for candidates writing the 2016 Jamb.

Research Scientist - Computer Science::

As we've done for 125 years, NC State University continues to transform lives on campus, in North Carolina, across our nation, and throughout the world every day. With more than 34,000 students and 7,000 faculty and staff, NC State is a comprehensive public research university globally recognized for leadership in developing new knowledge, educating the next generation for the use of that knowledge, and applying that knowledge for the benefit of society.

Position Number: 00105269
Primary Function of Organization Unit: The Department of Computer Science is an academic teaching and research department in the College of Engineering. It is a large and complex unit that encompasses research intensive, teaching intensive and professional activities. It is one of the largest such departments in the nation by the number of faculty and students, and its total budget and size are comparable to, or larger than, a number of NC State University colleges and divisions.
Essential Job Duties: Conduct research in support of research architecture for narrative processing. Will develop new learning, inference, and/or planning algorithms and representations for narrative processing; provide guidance on the research direction of graduate student and staff efforts across a large narrative processing architecture, design and manage experimental studies and select venues for reporting the results, assist faculty in the management of the schedule for software deliverables; manage the quarterly reporting requirements including preparing a summary of the work for intermediate and summative reports; prepare and present research findings at the annual meeting; handle other research activities as requested.

Minimum Education/Experience: A Ph.D. in computer science, cognitive science, intelligent systems or related field; research experience in computational models of narrative, planning, machine learning, computational linguistics, intelligent data analytics video game AI or other areas of artificial intelligence; and a foundation in theoretical models as well as experience in the implementation of these algorithms in significant research systems. Must present a strong publication record.

Department Required Skills: The successful Research Scientist must be an analytical problem-solver, able to learn and integrate complex technical information quickly, convey complex technical concepts to others in English and in both verbal and written form. Excellent written and oral communication skills required, including the ability to effectively manage the process of creating research publications and technical documentation. Candidate must have a strong commitment to scientific excellence. Successful candidates will demonstrate knowledge of empirical research in addition to experience with system design and building. Experience and proficiency with compiled and interpreted programming languages, structured data file format approaches and cloud and/or web-services technologies and tools is required. Analytical ability to study and extend an ongoing research effort developed by the project team in order to produce targeted research capabilities. Demonstrated ability to work in an exploratory research environment. Ability to work in a self-motivated manner with a minimal amount of supervision.

Preferred Experience, Skills, Training/Education: The ideal candidate will have experience developing complex software in a team environment, have experience with game development and/or the development of artificial intelligence systems, especially those applicable to narrative, games or virtual worlds. Prior pre- or post-doctoral experience in industry or in academic research projects is a strong plus. Project management skills, especially within a research environment, is an advantage.
AA/EOE: NC State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as an individual with a disability, or status as a protected veteran.

Individuals with disabilities requiring disability-related accommodations in the application and interview process, please call 919-515-3148. Final candidates are subject to criminal & sex offender background checks. Some vacancies also require credit or motor vehicle checks. If highest degree is from an institution outside of the U.S., final candidates are required to have their degree verified at http// Degree must be obtained prior to start date.

NC State University participates in E-Verify. Federal law requires all employers to verify the identity and employment eligibility of all persons hired to work in the United States.


From recent research, a faster means of disseminating information between two or more people is through the use of TEXT MESSAGE. In Nigeria today, more than 100 million text messages are sent daily by GSM phone users. This notes out the fact that TEXT MESSAGING has come to stay in our country (Nigeria).

CUSTOMIZED TEXT MESSAGE, a unique off spring of the MOBILE TEXT MESSAGE is another fantastic way of building the corporate image of an organization, strengthening customers and relationships and advertising the brand of an organization, all with the aim expanding the organization.

It can be described as a possible means of passing relevant information through the means of sending TEXT MESSAGE (SMS) to a specific audience in a personalized manner, without any mobile networking restriction, both in the country and abroad.

This SMS can reach a large audience, group or individual instantly at no network restriction. It is the newest technology of sending out relevant information to associates in the church about various important messages as regards workers meeting, emergency prayer meetings, evangelism, season greetings, new converts, new comers, programmes and events reminder e.t.c. In fact any information that is worth disseminating can be done faster and more efficiently through the use of CUSTOMIZED TEXT MESSAGE.

For example, if your church would hold an emergency meeting with workers of the church, with the aid of CUSTOMIZED MESSAGE, the emergency meeting alert will get into the mobile phones of all involved with the name of the church as the sender of the message. Such message can be in the below form.

“Dear brethren, this is to inform you that we shall be holding a meeting with all workers of Royal Diadem Parish (RCCG) on Thursday 31st Dec, 2015 at 12:00 noon. Your presence will be highly appreciated.

In the format like the above statement, your message will be sent to all workers concerned and will be received by them instantly on their mobile phones wherever they are in the country with the sender name on the text as “ROYAL DIADEM”. This will go a long way to tell how technologically the church is. It is my firm certainty that such workers or members will have no change of mind about not attending the meeting or programme. More the good news of the church will be told to people who will in turn visit and want to become a member of the church. This is why you should integrate the CUSTOMIZED TEXT MESSAGE service in your church.
All you are required to do is to get the phone numbers of the parents and keep them in your database

It is an effective direct communication to parents, friends and well wishers.
It is significantly cheaper than other media of advertising as it can be used to send seasonal greetings and invitations to your prospective parents.
Research reveals that those who receive the message often tell others about it and by that, the message about your school spreads.
Anywhere, anytime, any moments and any hour, the message gets to the mobile phone of parents instantly.
The SMS can be sent to any network in Nigeria and overseas, no network restriction.
It is extremely cheap to run.

0 – 500
501 – 1500
1501 – 5000

It is a known fact that presently, the mobile networks are charging quite a lot on text message to other networks. By record, MTN attracts a charge of N15 to other networks GLO attracts a charge of N15 to other networks while AIRTEL attracts a charge of N9 to other networks. All these with service restriction among the various networks, (MTN/GLO/AIRTEL etc) and no customized name like it will when you patronize our service. This puts you in a better deal, because all charges are flat to any network of your choice amongst which are the following: MTN, AIRTEL, GLO, ETISALAT, STARCOMMS, VISAFONE, MULTILINKS, ZOOM etc.

CLEWIS ONLINE REGISTRATION is the sole operator of this service with proven results. It’s a division of Centre for Money Making in Nigeria, a fore runner of wealth creation in Nigeria. Now we are introducing the technology CUSTOMIZED TEXT MESSAGE to you before it gets saturated and loses its value.
Please do not be left behind!!!
Thanks in advance and anticipating a favorable response from you.

MD/CEO: Clewis Online Registration
Mr. Ndifreke Williams
 Tel: 08096650890